This week’s ‘Start Where You Are’ Challenge: Expand your awareness of holidays and cultural observances
It’s already begun — the “holiday season” sales, the decorations on store shelves, the discussions about scheduling holiday leave. But not everyone celebrates the same “holidays.” Our society is so centered on Christian observances that they even dictate our corporate holidays. But what about The Day of the Dead, Diwali, Hanukkah, Bodhi Day, and Kwanzaa, to name a few?
Take some time to look into the meanings of these holidays — and others throughout the year — and how they’re typically celebrated.
If you’re in a position to influence your corporate leave policy, consider offering your staff the opportunity to swap out “traditional” corporate holidays for days of personal meaning to them. This would also provide options for people who don’t necessarily observe any holidays.
If you’re in a position to approve a staff member’s leave, believe them when they say they would like to take time off for a personally meaningful observance. Just because you may not understand it or be familiar with it (you could always look it up, by the way) doesn’t mean they should have to justify their request.
Cheers to everyone!
Originally published at on November 3, 2021.